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Vulnerable | Freeing | Soul Bearing
Maternity, birth, and motherhood photography involve empowering women to reflect and recognize their self-worth. Through these sessions, women can take a moment to pause and celebrate their journey. I am here to assist you with all aspects of your photoshoot, including selecting the perfect wardrobe and location.
Starting at $600.

So you’re about to become a momma; maybe it’s your first, maybe your 5th; maybe you’ve had a really hard time getting to this point, maybe this babe was a huge surprise. Wherever you find yourself, you are here - carrying life. A wonderful little being with so much potential. The vast emotions you’re carrying are real - you’re probably anxious, excited, fearful, hopeful, and you’re forever changed. I would absolutely love the honor of documenting your strength, beauty, doubts, joy…
So you’re about to become a momma; maybe it’s your first, maybe your 5th; maybe you’ve had a really hard time getting to this point, maybe this babe was a huge surprise. Wherever you find yourself, you are here - carrying life. A wonderful little being with so much potential. The vast emotions you’re carrying are real - you’re probably anxious, excited, fearful, hopeful, and you’re forever changed. I would absolutely love the honor of documenting your strength, beauty, doubts, joy…
Motherhood is crazy, I don’t have words to even begin to describe the way becoming a mother has changed me. It’s everything to me, despite all the complexities and challenges it brings. Women, we grow and sustain a new life is some serious magic. Capturing the moments that are so fleeting and short lived brings chaos into perspective for me. The creativity that this connection brings is my muse. You are beautiful, worthy, and powerful and there’s absolutely no reason to put off photos with your babe - don’t wait for the right body or for things to settle down. You’re seriously amazing in this moment. I promise to help you get what you want out of your shoot - just schedule the photos, because those baby thighs and dimpled hands won’t last. You’ll ache to smooch that tiny body again someday.